NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Their role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.

Hearing Connections' NDIS Provider Number: 4050070646

There are a number of ways you can purchase products from Hearing Connections, depending on the way you funding is set up with the NDIS.
Self Managed
A self managed NDIS participant or carer manages their own funding. You or your nominee can purchase a product using your own funds, then submit your receipt to claim back from the NDIS.
Alternatively you can claim the funds then purchase the product.
Plan Managed
A plan managed NDIS participant has a plan manager to help them manage their funding. Hearing Connections can send an invoice directly to your plan manager.
Agency Managed
An agency managed NDIS participant has the NDIS manage their funding. Email us at team@hearconnect.com.au and we can send you the quote for approval.
Once you confirm it, we will process the order with the NDIS and forward the goods to you.
We need the following information:
Full name
NDIS number
Date of birth
List of equipment your require.
Assistive Technology
(for all NDIS clients)
Hearing Connections can provide Assistive Technology for all NDIS clients.
These services are funded through 'Assistive Technology & Consumables', depending on your individual plan:
Smoke alarm with flashing and vibrating alerts (can link with doorbell, telephone, paging, baby cry & other options)
TV / music listening
Training and setup of equipment
Installation of equipment
Please don't hesitate to contact us to find out more or for support in choosing what products are right for you.
Training Services
(for NDIS Self Managed and Plan Managed clients only)
Hearing Connections can provide Training Services for NDIS Self Managed and Plan Managed clients only.
Some of these services are funded through Capacity Building, depending on your individual plan:
Please don't hesitate to contact us to find out more or for support in choosing what training services are right for you.
(for people with Hearing Impairment)
by Andrew Stewart – 31/07/2017
Notes about these NDIS FAQs from Andrew Stewart (Managing Director of Hearing Connections) ...
These FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are related to hearing devices and additional technologies and services related to hearing loss and deafness.
This is not a guarantee that everything stated below will apply to you – it is an indication of what might apply based on the information I have gathered to date.
I received acceptance into the NDIS in September 2016, and as at the time of writing, had not been informed as to when a planning meeting would occur.
Hearing device:
Refers to a hearing aid, processor for a cochlear implant (not the implant itself), BAHA (bone anchored hearing aid) and the like.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA):
Is the Federal government organisation that is running the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Permission is granted to reproduce this document in full as widely as possible, without alteration. If you believe changes are required, please email me at andrew@hearconnect.com.au.
This is my contribution to help Deaf and hearing-impaired people, and others with hearing loss, to understand the NDIS better and how it works.
The NDIS is constantly changing, so you will need to check to ensure your questions are answered by the NDIA.
This is not a legal document, and there may be errors or omissions.
(please click on the question to read the answer!)